This property has all the right stuff to produce giant bucks! Not only is it located in an area known for trophy deer, but unlike many areas of this county, it has paved access, water, and electricity! The lower half of property has been expertly cleared to produce many clearings leaving just the right amount of timber creating perfect pinch points for hunting. To the north joining these meadows is a 600-foot mountain with multiple shelfs providing a great south facing slope giving the deer, turkey, and bear a perfect bedding sanctuary. Incredibly, there is even an old four-wheeler road that winds all the way to the top of the mountain. There are a couple of small ponds and several wet-weather creeks. With all the different elevation changes it shouldn’t be too difficult to add additional ponds. There is an old home on the property that could be used as a hunting cabin; however, with el...
This property has all the right stuff to produce giant bucks! Not only is it located in an area known for trophy deer, but unlike many areas of this county, it has paved access, water, and electricity! The lower half of property has been expertly cleared to produce many clearings leaving just the right amount of timber creating perfect pinch points for hunting. To the north joining these meadows is a 600-foot mountain with multiple shelfs providing a great south facing slope giving the deer, turkey, and bear a perfect bedding sanctuary. Incredibly, there is even an old four-wheeler road that winds all the way to the top of the mountain. There are a couple of small ponds and several wet-weather creeks. With all the different elevation changes it shouldn’t be too difficult to add additional ponds. There is an old home on the property that could be used as a hunting cabin; however, with electricity and rural water, you have many options! There is a fenced 20-acre pasture in the front that was previously baled for hay but could also be used to run a few head of cattle or other livestock. You won’t want to delay looking at this jewel of a hunting property because once I go back and pick up the game camera pictures and post them online…it will be “Katy bar the door”!
Property Features:
- Awesome deer, turkey, hog and bear hunting
- Electricity and rural water
- Older 3 bedroom/1 bathroom home
- Paved access
- 600 feet of elevation change with spectacular views
- Just 8 miles from Sardis Lake
- Loaded with huge red oaks with some beautiful pine timber
- Includes 2 giant gravity feeders, 3 spin-cast feeders and multiple stands
- Real estate taxes are $305 for 2016