The Counts Farm is a unique West Virginia farm and timberland property. This outstanding 250 acre multiple use property has easy access to major interstate highways and airports while still providing all the seclusion of a private mountain get-a-way.
The flat fields and rolling pastures are well suited for raising livestock and growing corn, organic vegetables and maybe even pumpkins. The majestic forest has not been harvested since Franklin D. Roosevelt was president in the 1940s and has over $200,000 in standing timber ready for harvest.
The farm is located between the unincorporated communities of Green Sulphur Springs and Meadow Bridge. Beckley and Lewisburg are both within a 30 minutes drive of the farm.
Within an hours drive are located some of the finest recreational facilities in West Virginia. Winterplace Ski Resort, whitewater rafting / fi...
Within an hours drive are located some of the finest recreational facilities in West Virginia. Winterplace Ski Resort, whitewater rafting / fishing on the New River and Gauley River, 2000 acre Bluestone Lake, Pipestem State Park and Resort and the 80,000 acre New River National Gorge National Park. Five other area state parks and state forests offer unlimited hiking, horseback riding, ATV riding and rock climbing opportunities.
The world famous Greenbrier Resort is about 30 minutes drive and Snowshoe Ski Resort is about 2.5 hours drive. Roanoke is 2hours, DC is 4 hours and Charlotte is 3 hours away.
Lewisburg, which is the Greenbrier County seat, was voted the Coolest Small Town in American in 2011 and is just a 30 minute drive to the thriving downtown historic district. The downtown boasts a year round live theater, Carnegie Hall, several fabulous restaurants, shops and boutiques. There is also a modern hospital and all attendant medical facilities along with all the big box stores.
The Greenbrier County Airport, which has WVs longest runway, is located just 35 minutes away and has daily flights to Atlanta and Washington DC. The Raleigh County airport is 20 minutes drive and offers weekly flights to major hubs.
Beckley has a population of 34,000 and is the county seat of Raleigh County. All amenities are available in Beckley. Beckley is located at the intersection of I-77, I-64 and US 19 so easy access to Charlotte, Pittsburg, Charleston and Cincinnati is just around the corner.
Moblie Home #1
Mobile Home #2
Machine Shed
Potting-Gardening Building with Root Cellar
Hay Shed
Nice storage building
Several other outbuildings/barns in various stages of repair (some nice reclaimable antique lumber and tin and cut stone)
The Counts Farm contains approximately 100 acres of level to gently rolling meadows, hay fields, pastures, and garden areas. Several head of cattle graze on seasonal grasses in the pastures. Much of the land would be suitable for growing corn or other small grain crops. Sheep also do well in this area and one might consider raising alpacas or llamas.
The soils and elevation would be well suited for establishing a vineyard or fruit orchard. There is only 300 in elevation change across the entire boundary which runs the perimeter of the property for over 13000 (about 2.65 miles!). Elevation of the farm ranges from 2450 along the hay fields to 2740 on the highest peak overlooking Coon Creek below.
There is no shortage of room to establish a vegetable garden and the rich soil and abundant sunshine is perfect for growing tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, squash, cucumbers, carrots, onions and any of the Greens (kale-collards).
The open land is mostly fenced and cross fenced and is in fair condition on most areas of the farm. Water for livestock is provided by a watering trough and Coon Creek.
There are approximately 30 acres in 2 separate fields currently in hay production. The soils are perfect for producing hay and this land could also be used in the production of corn, pumpkins etc. Another 70 acres presently in meadows and pasture and need to be brushogged, limed and fertilized to reach their full potential.
Beautiful Coon Creek, a blue line stream, meanders through the farm for nearly a mile. Two other unnamed blue line streams flow through the farm and into Coon Creek as well. Several other seasonal and ephemeral streams are found on the property. Some small springs can be found on the woodland section of the farm.
The Counts Farm has 150+/- acres of a spectacular forest. There has not been a timber harvest on the property since the 1940s and is considered one of the finest boundaries of timber in the area. The mature trees form a closed canopy which keeps the forest floor moist and cool, which in turn creates a lush environ of mosses, lichens, mushrooms and ferns.
A recent timber inventory by a registered professional forester found there to be over one million board feet of timber, ready for market, with an estimated value of $200,000. Yellow poplar, red oak, white oak, maple, hickory and black cherry are just a few of the species growing in the forest. This valuable timber is in high demand and several area wood products companies would have an interest in purchasing the timber.
A complete timber inventory and pricing evaluation can be found under Maps and Other Documents on this site.
There are some trees which could be considered Heritage Trees. These ancient trees, some 200-300 years old, have withstood the test of time, weathering ice, wind, lightning strikes, fire and of course woodpeckers. One extremely large Sugar Maple Tree (Acer Sacharum) growing in the meadow beside the hay shed has a circumference of over 10 feet. There are also several oak trees scattered about that are very beautiful and stately and produce an abundance of tasty acorns in the fall of the year.
No forest pests such as Gypsy Moth or Emerald Ash Borer have been found on the property.
Because the forest is mature and produces tons of acorns and hickory nuts, the forest animals dont have to roam far to keep well fed and with Coon Creek running through they stay well watered. The edge effect, created where the forest meets the fields makes for a wonderful wildlife habitat and the animals can be seen foraging along the field edges in the early morning and late afternoons just before sunset.
The farm is home to a wide array of wildlife which includes a variety of song birds, owls, hawks, woodpeckers, ravens and wild turkeys. White tailed deer, raccoon, opossums, rabbits, chipmunks, coyotes and bobcats are a part of the resident wildlife population.
The Marcellus Shale is thought to underlay the property at a depth of 5000+. The east coast Marcellus Shale Region is thought to contain enough natural gas to power the United States for over 100 years.
The owner has entered into a oil and gas lease and a copy of the lease can be found under Maps and Other Documents on this site. All the mineral rights the seller owns and the oil and gas lease will transfer to the purchaser at closing. All prospective purchasers are encouraged to have an attorney do a title search prior to purchasing.
The property is located in Green Sulphur District (#3), on Tax Map 1- parcel 16.
Taxes for 2011 were assessed as Class II property in the amount of $162.42 per year.
The deed is recorded in the Summers County Courthouse, Hinton, WV in Deed Book 124, page 70.
There is currently no county zoning in this area of Summers County. All prospective purchasers are encouraged to contact the Summers County Health Department for answers regarding installation of septic systems and water wells.
There is electric and phone service on the property. Public water, sewer or cable is not available at this time.
Water to the mobile home is provided by a drilled well. Sewage disposal is provided by a conventional drip irrigation septic system.
Satellite providers such as Hughes Net, Jet Blue or and air card may provide high speed internet service. Television reception may be provided by either DIRECTV or Dish Network.
Cell phone coverage is adequate in most places on the property. Weekly trash pickup, daily newspaper and daily mail delivery is available at roadside. UPS and FedEx service this area also.
Access to the property is excellent and is served by year round, state maintained paved highways. The property fronts on Route 20. Public school buses run daily when school is in session.
The property has been surveyed by Leon Spencer but the field work has not yet been finalized. The corner pins could be set and the property lines painted prior to closing if the purchaser desires to have this done and is willing to pay for the completion of field work.
Google Coordinates for the house are:
LATITUDE 037.84555 N
LONGITUDE 080.73774 W
The Counts Farm is located on Route 20 in Summers County, WV. From the Green Sulphur Springs Exit on I64 (#143) take a right on Route 20 North and travel 4.5 miles and the entrance to the farm is on the right (Counts Drive). Or from Meadow Bridge, travel 1.5 miles on Route 20 South and the farm entrance is on the left (Counts Drive).