DESCRIPTION: 24.657 acres of farm land near Temple, TX.
LOCATION: Just outside of Temple, on the West side of Willow Road South of FM 2086 and North of Middle Road in Bell County.
LAND COVER: Almost Entirely Tillable with the Remainder of Acreage being water/drain ways. Scattered Trees along the Road Front and South and Western Boundaries of Tract.
HYDROLOGY: 522' Linear Feet of Water/Drainage in the SE Corner of Tract. Does NOT Appear to be within the FEMA Floodplain.
TOPOGRAPHY: Mostly Flat with 20' of Elevation Changes at 620' to 640' above sea level with 1% - 5% slopes. Appears to have some Terracing in Place.
SOILS: Austin Silty Clay and Houston Black Clay. Average Soil Productivity/Class Rating of Cultivated Land is 3.5.
UTILITIES: Electric service provider is Oncor. Water is provided by Little Elm Valley WSC. No Sewer.
ROAD FRONTAGE: 724' Feet of County Maintained Gravel...
ROAD FRONTAGE: 724' Feet of County Maintained Graveled Road Frontage along Willow Road.
TAX: Open Space Valuation (Ag Exemption) in Place for Low Property Taxes. 2020 Tax: $80.
COMMENTS: Property is currently Leased to an Agricultural Tenant.
Just South of FM 2086.