Location: 1 mile east and 4 miles north on the Henry Rd. to S-E Rd., 1/2 mile east on south side.
Description: N1/2NE1/4 of Section 14; N1/2NW1/4 & N1/2NE1/4 of Section 13-T24N-R58W of the 6th P.M., Sioux County, Nebraska.
Acres: 238 Tax Assessed Acres.
Taxes: $5,443.75 taxes for 2009.
Land Use: Approximately 220 pivot, sideroll and gravity irrigated acres.
FSA Info: Corn base209.9 acres at 101 bushels direct yield.
Water: 237 acres of surface water rights with Pathfinder Irrigation District. The assessment for water in 2010 is $6,162.00 or $26 per acre.
Soils: 100% Class IV Scoville fine sand and loamy fine sand.
Improvements: Behlen Steel Buildings built in 2003: 1 - 60 x 40 Office/Shop; 1 - 60 x 30 5 Stall Calving Barn w/Vet Room; 1 - 40 x 10 Loafing Shed; 1 - 100 x 30 Machinery Bldg.; 2003 StockWell and Septic System. All buildings have concrete...
Improvements: Behlen Steel Buildings built in 2003: 1 - 60 x 40 Office/Shop; 1 - 60 x 30 5 Stall Calving Barn w/Vet Room; 1 - 40 x 10 Loafing Shed; 1 - 100 x 30 Machinery Bldg.; 2003 StockWell and Septic System. All buildings have concrete floors.
Equipment: 1 - 2009 and 1 - 2007 Valley 7 tower Center Pivot Irrigation Systems and 2 - 15 HP turbine pumps; 2 - sideroll irrigation systems with alum. mainline pipe and 25 HP turbine pump.
Price: $695,000
Contact: Listing Agents: Jerry Sloan308-631-5520 and Roger D. Luehrs, D.V.M.308-631-2506 Mike Polk, Loren Johnson, Bruce Dodson, Jerry Weaver at 308-534-9240
1 mile east and 4 miles north on the Henry Rd. to S-E Rd., 1/2 mile east on south side.