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Size: 236 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

236 Acres in Hope, AR

The Springhill Tract will be sold by sealed bids on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. The tract consists of +/-104 acres of a 2010 pine plantation and +/-95 acres of 2005 pine plantation. Both plantations are industrial grade, well stocked and in excellent condition. Approximately 43 acres are in a streamside zone consisting of merchantable hardwood and pine. Access to the tract is by way of a deeded easement from Hempstead County Road 166. Topography on the tract is rolling and well drained. Soils are predominantly fine sandy loams with a site index for loblolly pine of 80 feet on base age 50. This tract can provide a solid long-term timber investment with potential for immediate timber income as well. The diversity of timber types and ages could provide excellent recreational opportunities also.


From the intersection of AR

Hwy 174 and AR Hwy 355 in

Springhill, travel east on Hwy

355 approximately 1.2 miles to

Hempstead County Road 166.

Turn north (left) onto

Hempstead 166 and travel

approximately 0.8 miles to

find pink KFS Flagging

marking the deeded easement.

Turn north (left) onto

easement and travel

approximately 0.3 miles to

gated entrance to the tract on

the east boundary line.

Gate combo: 5200

Contact Seller
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc.

Monticello, AR

(870) 276-2265