Rolling Hills and gorgeous sunsets! 230 acres cross fenced with 5 strand barbed wire, 9 paddlocks, a barn, and a small feed lot. Property includes 85 acres of 17 year old plantation pine due to be thinned and 1 mile of road frontage. There is also a nice mobile home on the property.
1 mile of road frontage
Conducive to being subdivided 9 Paddocks all have water frost free spickots 238 acres 85 wooded well on property plantation Pine 17 years old due to be thinned Corral System-
6 pens built- materials to do 3 more Scales- calf table Small feed lot- adjacent to corral system Right by road for easy loading 2 bins for feed Some hay storage 1acre +/- old oil field pad and road to it. Can get huge trucks in there, in the rainiest of winter and not get muddy
Well & Electircity out to pad
2 good ponds
Take HWY 69N to Central. Rt on O'Quinn Rd. App 1 mile on Rt and app 1.5 miles on Rt and Left.