Acres: 2,200 acres.
Price: $2,475 per acre.
Animal Units: 200 mother cows.
Terms: Cash or possible owner financing.
Location: McIntosh County, OK, 30 miles northwest of McAlester, near Dustin, 11 miles south of Interstate 40. Northwest corner of Highway 9 and the Indian Nation Turnpike.
Comments: Very nice recreation hunting and cattle ranch with good access and gravel roads throughout. It has been in same family for many years.
Improvements: 1 set of metal working corrals.
Water: Numerous ponds, rural water, 43.69 annual precipitation.
Terrain: 50% open pastures, 50% hardwood timber. Gently rolling with some elevation changes.
Fences: Excellent barbed wire fences with T-posts.
Grasses: Bermuda grass, big and little blue stem, numerous other native grasses.
Game: Trophy whitetail deer, wild turkey, wild hogs, and varmints.
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