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Size: 200 Acres
Home: 2 beds - 2 full baths

200 Acres in Lanesboro, MN - $1,750,000

200-acre dream farm near Lanesboro

Dream farm alert! This secluded top access farm has 100 tillable acres, 100 acres of mature timber with trails, year-round springs, and creek. The top access leads to 3 different tracts of woods which have multiple inside corners, great spots for small ponds, trails and natural openings that are cleared to put food plots in. The south 40 acres is amazing with springs, creek, towering pines, oaks, top area with 5 acres+ for food plot, razorbacks with thick cover for great bedding. The south 40ac is connected to 115 acres of land locked state land which serves as a great sanctuary and more hunting opportunities. The 1/2-mile-long driveway leads to a beautiful south facing panoramic farmyard which hosts a 2-bedroom 2 bathroom rambler with attached garage. Outbuildings include: 44x100 , 36x22 heated shop, 32x74 hay loft barn, and 28x24.


From Hwy 250- 1 mile west on 310th St.

Contact Seller
Bluff Country Properties, LLC -Real Estate

Lanesboro, MN

(507) 533-3073

Provided By

Bluff Country Properties, LLC -Real Estate, (507) 533-3073
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