Between Lake Cumberland & Green River Lake KY
Kentucky Absolute Auction
Saturday, November 21st at 9:00 AM CST
One of Adair Countys Finest Farms offering 210 Acres, m/l, in Multiple Parcels and in Combinations using Golden Rule-Wilsons Computerized Multi-parcel Selling System. Also Three Tracts of Commercial Timber to be Offered. Owner Financing on Vacant Land Tracts
PLUS John Deere Backhoe, Several Tractors, Farm Machinery, Automobiles, ATV/Utility Vehicles, Old Log House, Tools and Supplies!
Property Known as the Late Randy Nelson Farm
Located and fronting on Hwy 92 (Montpelier Rd.) and Keen-Wilson Rd., about 4 miles southeast of Columbia, KY in Adair County at 2828 Keen Wilson Rd., Columbia, KY
Directions: From Columbia, KY, take Hwy 55 South about 4 miles, then left on Hwy 92, then Keen Wilson Rd is the first road to left. Auction Banners Posted.
Sale Order: REAL EST...
Sale Order: REAL ESTATE WILL BE AUCTIONED FIRST!Sale Order: (All times are CST) Bring a friend, 2 auctioneers may be going simultaneously!)
Note: Personal property will not start until approx. 12 Noon
Approx. 12:00 Noon: Guns will be auctioned.
Approx. 1:30 P.M: Backhoe, Tractors & Main Equipment.
Auction will finish up with smaller remaining shop tools & personal property!
Farm Description: Beautiful level to gently rolling KY cattle farm with several crop acres as well. Lots of spring branches, 2 ponds, automatic watering facilities, barns, sheds, outbuildings & older farm house. Mostly newer modern fencing with cross fencing. One of the countys best farms! Property to be offer in small & medium sized acreages with combinations being offered as well as the ability to defend your bid on small & medium tracts! Approx 210 ACRES, m/l, TOTAL. New survey in progress. Owner financing on vacant land tracts.
Personal property:
Tractors & Farm Implements
John Deere JD310-A Backhoe w/Front Loader Bucket &
2 Ft. Rear Bucket Good Tires 7020 Hrs
Massey Ferguson 165 Diesel Tractor w/4762 Hrs
w/Aux. Hydraulics (no multi power) Good Rubber
Kubota L4150 Diesel Tractor 2262 Hrs w/Remote Hydraulics
M602 Minneapolis-Moline Tractor (fueled by Propane) Unknown Hrs
Restored 60 John Deere Tractor Tricycle w/3 Pt. Hitch (Gasoline) Showing 310 Hrs
John Deere 2955 Diesel Cab Tractor (no back Glass) Showing 5016 Hrs
With 4 Remotes & Dual PTO
WD Allis Chalmers Tractor
A Model John Deere Tractor w/3 Pt. Hitch & Good Rubber
285 Massey Ferguson Diesel Tractor 1983 Model 85 HP
Like New Gooseneck 24 Ft. Livestock Trailer
16 Ft. Heavy Duty Flatbed Trailer w/Dual Axles
20 ft. Flatbed Wagon (Heavy Duty) w/Sliding Tongue
Hay Hauler Wagon on a Ten Kory Running Gear
Refurbished Manure Spreader w/Pressure Treated Sides
19 Ft. Heavy Duty Tri-axle Trailer w/Pintle Hitch (House Trailer Axles)
John Deere 535 Round Baler w/Monitor (6 Ft. Roll) (Belts Appear Good)
Gravity Wagon w/John Deere Running Geer and Hydraulic Auger
273 New Holland Square Baler
Bushhog RFM 60 Finish Mower 5 Ft.
3 Pt. Hitch International 6 Ft. Bushhog
Shaver 8 Inch Hydraulic Post Driver
Speeco 3 Pt. Hitch Post Hole Digger
3 Pt. Hitch John Deere Seed Sower
(2) 3 Pt. Hitch Hay Hyster
6 Ft. Loader Bucket
(2) Hay Spikes
Weights & Brackets for a John Deere
3 Pt. Trailer Hitch Adaptor
International Tractor Steps
3 Pt. Hitch Boom Pole
New Holland Hay Bine Blade
10 Ft. Howse Pull Behind Bushhog
3728 International Wheel Disk
Feed Panel
John Deere 64 Dolly Type Hay Rake
Walton 4 Basket Hay Tedder
Massey Ferguson Belt Type Sickle Bar Mower 7 Ft.
2) John Deere Hydraulic Cylinders
Old John Deere Manual Loader Bucket w/Fork
Salvage 630 John Deere Tractor (no front wheels)
JF Ilson Livestock Squeeze Shoot
Massey Ferguson 120 Square Hay Baler
(2) Cattle Creep Feeder
Trailer Type 2 Bottom Plow w/Metal Wheels
Asst. Tubular Gates
(2) Allis Chalmers Hay Conditioners
Hay Conditioner
5 Ft. Loader Bucket w/Teeth
2 Row Front Mounted Cultivator for a 60 John Deere
Asst. Cattle Troughs
Large 9 Wheel Side Delivery Hay Rake
9 Ft. Pull Type Culti-Mulcher
Hay Forks
Asst. Hay Rings
Horse Harnesses
Corral Entry Gate
Asst. of 3 Pt. Hitch Top Links
Single Tree
7 Shank 3 Pt. Hitch Chisel Plow (Good Points)
John Deere Heavy Duty Pallet Fork
Set of Heavy Duty Pallet Fork (no Name)
Old John Deere Manual Loader Bucket w/Fork
(5) Four Wheel Wagon Running Gears Various Tonage
(2) John Deere Fenders for a 30/20 Tractor
300 Gallon Fuel Tank w/Stand
(2) Plastic Stock Watering Tank
Team Slip Scoop Arts-way 420 Grinder Mixer w/Approx. 12 Ft. Unloading Auger
Team Disk
Antique Team Disk / Plow
Old Team Two Row Corn Planter
Old Team Wagon Parts
Older Team Wheat Drill
Older Team Wheat Binder
Old Metal Wheeled Manure Spreader
Older Square Bail Hay Picker
Old Metal Wheel Wagon Frame
Automobiles, Utility Vehicles & 4 Wheelers
1975 Classic Jeep Wrangler 4 Wheel Drive
Showing 70081 Miles - Vin: J6A93AH006891
1990 Dodge Power Ram 4 X 4 Truck w/4 Speed Trans. Showing 5,694 Miles
w/Electric Hay Fork in Back & Diamond Plated Tool Box & Good Rubber
1970 Model Ford 100 Pickup Truck- 69076 Miles
(2) Older Buick LeSabre ( For Scrap)
1973 Yellow Volkswagen Beetle
Suzuki Ozark Quad-Runner 250 4-Wheeler
Kawaski Mule 2500 w/Windshield
1973 Ford Box Truck w/80,000 Miles (Older)
Older Volkswagen Bug Approx. 1973 (Scrap/Parts)
Ford Pickup Approx. 1976 (Scrap/Parts)
Older Volkswagen Bug Approx. 1965 67 (Scrap/Parts)
Older Volkswagen Bug Approx. 1964 (Scrap/Parts)
(2) Dual Port Volkswagen Motor
(2) New Running Boards for Volkswagen Beetle
(2) Volkswagen Bumpers
Volkswagen Hub Caps
1993 Plymouth Acclaim (Scrap/Parts)
Older Gilson Lawn Mower
Fiberglass Dune Buggy Frame
Chevrolet Truck Hood
Assorted Used Tires
Truck Bed Trailer w/Camper top (ideal for hunting)
Older Camper Shell
(2) Half Cab Truck topper
Diesel Fuel Tank
Pick up Truck Fuel Tank w/Hand Pump & Toolbox
Antique & Collectibles
Antique John Deere Corn Sheller
Antique Forge Blower
Old Milk Can
Old Chug-a-Lug Tobacco Setter
Antique Double Tubs
Antique Black Safe (Heavy)
Antique Vice
Old Metal Seat
Cast Iron John Deer Tractor Replica
Antique Cream Separator
Antique Push Type Garden Tiller
Antique Straw Broom Cutter
Antique Wooden Hoops
Antique Buggy Top (Ragged)
Antique chase Water Hand Pump
Antique Cane/Crutch
Antique Mill Chest
Blue Jars/Canning Jars
2 Old Metal Wagon Wheels
Tools & Misc:
Miller M-180 Arc Welder
Campbell Hausfeld Flux Core 80 Mig Welder
Large Upright 2 Cylinder Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor
Miter Saw w/Stand (Compound Cut)
Drill Press Stand
Small Gas Air Compressor
2200 PSI Troy Built Pressure Washer
Large Industrial Type Table Saw
Aluminum Ladder
Water Pressure Tank
Assorted Tire Rims
Battery Charger
John Deere Name Plates
Assorted Barrels
Gooseneck Trailer Axle
Short & Long Diamond Plate Step Boards for Duelly Pick Up
Chain Link Fence Dog Pen
Year Round Cab Door
Old Garage Door
Large Jack Stand
Oversized Wheel Barrel
Jack Stands
Asst. of Sockets
Asst. of Wrenches
Asst. Tools & Tool Boxes
Stack Tool Box
Floor Jacks
Metal Cabinets
Hand Sander
Jig Saws
Skill Saw
Paint Gun
Asst. of Paint Guns
(2) Chain Hoists
Asst. bolts Nuts Screws
Table Grinder
(2) Electric Fan w/Stand
Grinder w/Stand
Cross Draw Bar
Hydraulic Jacks
Asst. Hay roller Belts
Belt Lacing
Asst. Hand Tools
Post Hole Diggers
Cutting Torch
Steam Jenny Cleaner
Kleen-King Cleaner
Hydraulic Cylinders
Plastic Dual Lid Truck Packer Box
Hand Wheel Balancer
Magmun001 Tire Changer
Manual Tire Changer
Asst. Fencing tools
Diamond Plate Tool Box
Asst. Floor Jacks
(2) Old Cross Cut Saws
Briar Blade
Log Choker Cable
Vermeer 3 Pt. Hitch Hydraulic Hand Roller
Grease Guns
Weed Eaters
Asst. Bolts & Nuts
Red Devil Stretchers
(2) Fuel Tanks w/Hand Pumps
Snatch Block
90 Weight Gear Old Pump
(3) Plastic Water/Liquid Containers
Truck Bed Trailer w/Camper top (ideal for hunting)
Metal Tank
S & W Edger Works Inc. Lumber Edger
Sprayer for 4 Wheeler
Lumber & Hardware:
Old Log House (Approx. 32 X 18 Ft.) w/Later Addition and Contents (1 Unit)
(3) Stacks of Insulated Door Panels
10 ft. 12 Inch Galvanized Road Tile
Several Lots of Scrap Metal & Junk Iron
Large Stack of Ban Sawed Cherry Lumber (Dry stacked on Sticks in rear barn)
Another Stack of Cherry Lumber (In Loft of Rear Barn)
Roll of Wire Cable
2 Partial Rolls of Woven Wire
Large Stack of Industrial Ribbed Metal Roofing (Lower Shed of Rear Barn)
Large Stack of 2 X 6s - Approx. 16 ft. (1 Unit)
Various Boards
6 X 6 Posts & Other Posts (1 Unit)
Water Spiget
Asst. T Posts
New Roll of inch Black Pipe
Many more items to numerous to mention!
Gun Collection:
1) Charles Daley 12 GA Shotgun
2) Winchester 1500 XTR 12 GA Shotgun
3) Remington 870 Express 12 GA Shotgun
4) Winchester 37A 20 GA Shotgun
5) Stevens 94 F 16 GA Shotgun
6) Champion Iver John 20 GA Shotgun
7) Mossberg 410 GA Shotgun
8) (Unknown) Lever Action 17 Cal Rifle
9) Springfield 671 20 GA Shotgun
10) Winchester 1400 MKII 20 GA
11) Remington 514 22 Cal Rifle
12) Winchester 370 20 GA Shotgun
13) Savage 93R1Z w/Banner Scope 17 Cal Rifle
14) Marlin 336W 30/30 W Rifle
15) Marlin 60W 22 LR Rifle
16) Remington 550-1 22 Cal Rifle
17) Winchester Western Codey
18) Winchester 37A 12 GA Shotgun
19) Remington 17 Cal
20) Remington 870 Express 12 GA Shotgun
21) Marlin 25 MN w/Simmons 3-9X40 8Pt Scope 22 WMR Rifle
22) Savage 93 R17 w/Simmons 3-9X40 ProSport Scope 17 HMR Rifle
23) Savage 93 W/Bushnell Scope 22 WMR Rifle
24) Remington 700 W/Tasco Scope Rifle
25) Marlin 717 M2 w/Tasco World Class MIL-DOT Scope 17 Cal Rifle
26) Marlin CCRRO W/Tasco 3X7X20 Scope 22 LR Rifle
27) Lorcin L388 Pistol
28) H&R 929 22 LR Pistol
29) IJA&G IJ Target Sealed 8 Pistol
30) Remington 17
31) Browning 22 LR
32) Ruger 10/22 Carbine 22 LR
Terms: Real Estate: Non-refundable 10% down day of sale and balance w/deed on or before 30 days. A seven percent buyers premium will be added to the final bid on real estate and timber to determine final sales price. Property taxes paid by Seller for 2015. Personal property: Cash, good check, Visa, Mstcd, or Discover (3% convenience fee on debit/credit card sales). NO BUYERS PREMIUM ON PERSONAL PROPERTY.
Auctioneers Note: This is one of the finest farms to be offered in a long, long time! Mr. Nelson took a lot of pride in his farm and kept it up. Remember the date, Saturday, Nov 21st, at 9 A.M. CST & come prepared to buy at your price!