These 2 adjacent lots are located near the city of Trinity, Texas near the Trinity river on Oak Dr. They are in The Landing on Lake Livingston community, a beautiful area with lovely forests and lots of water sports! Wildlife is everywhere around! Pure joy for nature and animal lovers!
You cannot camp on these lots in a tent but you can use an RV. You can place a Mobile Home. You will need a aerobic septic system. Public water and power is available in the area.
They are part of the HOA with a montly fee of $10.41 per lot.
These properties being raw land means they dont yet have a numbered address. You will love the serenity of this area and enjoy the surrounding amenities that nature offers, make this property yours today, these always go fast!
GPS Coordinates
Paste this into your map app: 30.947616, -95.268339
Parcel 21593
Owner financing available! No credit check! Price: $7500...
Owner financing available! No credit check! Price: $7500, $2000 down and $156 per month for 60 months. OR you can buy with an ALL cash discount of $5997! There is no prepayment penalty. You can pay extra or pay it off at any time. The more you put down the lower your interest rate! We accept credit cards.
All Property Details
APN Size Taxes Legal description
21593 0.1928 acres $38.03 THE LANDING SECTION 4, BLOCK 1 LOT 06
County Trinity County, TX
Address There is no assigned address yet on Oak Dr, Trinity, TX 75862
Terrain Flat
Access Paved road
Property zoning Residential
Is the property buildable Yes
RVs RVs are allowed
Mobile homes Mobile homes are allowed
Notes on mobile homes Must be 900 sq ft. excluding porch and garages.Mobile home, prefabricated home, or modular home not more than five years old at the time of move in, as determined by the certificate of title. Mobile home, prefabricated home, or modular home skirted within ninety (90) days after move in. Failure to skirt the home with materials suitable to the Architectural Control Committee will cause the Association to complete said skirting after the ninety-first day at the cost of the Owner.
Camping Primitive camping in tents not allowed
HOA The Landing on Lake Livingston
HOA fees $10.41 per month per lot
Deed restrictions Deed Restrictions The Landing on Lake Livingston
Electric Power is available in the area
(800) 368-3749
Water Public water
Glendale Water Supply Co
(936) 594-9417
Sewer Would need to install aerobic septic system
Bumble-B Septic Services
(936) 355-5599
Utilities disclaimer We do not make recommendations on any vendors. The utilities installer contacts listed are purely for your information. There may be other options available in the area. Please use this information at your own discretion.
Elevation 165 ft
Flood zone Not in a floodzone
Setbacks Front: 30 ft; Sides: 10 ft; Rear: 30 ft
Height restrictions Must not exceed two stories in height
Minimum build size 1200 sq ft. excluding exclusive of porches, breezeways, driveways, carports, and garages.
Refer someone who buys land from us and we will pay a referral fee!!
We are a real estate investment company. We buy and sell land throughout the country, so we are unable to meet you at the property. We are not utilizing the services of a realtor, so you are welcome to visit the property at any time. We encourage you to visit the property at your convenience to make sure the property suits your needs.
Disclaimer: We have not been to this property. Everything we know is in this ad. No warranties are stated or implied. Land is being sold as is. Buyer is responsible for doing all due diligence and verifying accessibility, utilities, build-ability and all other information contained herein prior to purchase.
Cheap Land for Sale!
Low Down payment!