If you want an authentic South Texas hunting ranch, La Paloma Sola is the real deal. The native habitat is especially diverse due to the Las Pintas Creek that runs through the ranch. La Paloma Sola has numerous concrete bridges and low water crossings on the Las Pintas. There is a large lake on the ranch and a large lake at the headquarters, as well as 6 other stock tanks and a water well.
Through their DMP pen, improved genetics were used to supplement the native deer herd. Judging from the antlers produced they did a good job.
The headquarters area is very impressive. The main house is 2,400 sq. ft. of living space with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. The main house has a full length porch, a large covered patio area that is adjacent to the house, and an above-ground swimming pool. There is a 2,160 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath guest house (or bunk house), a game room, a walk-in cooler and deer proce...
The headquarters area is very impressive. The main house is 2,400 sq. ft. of living space with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. The main house has a full length porch, a large covered patio area that is adjacent to the house, and an above-ground swimming pool. There is a 2,160 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath guest house (or bunk house), a game room, a walk-in cooler and deer processing area, a barn and an equipment shed. The houses are selling fully furnished and ready for hunting season.
Also included in the sale are 16 hunting blinds and corn feeders, 14 protein feeders, 2 bulk overhead feed bins, and 1 new grain hopper with electric auger. La Paloma Sola has a good road system and 6 food plots. There is also a good set of cattle and horse pens at the headquarters.
The property is totally high fenced with large neighbors on all sides. The ranch is very private as it is accessed by a 3-mile deeded easement through one of the large neighboring ranches. The automatic gate is on the south side of Highway 44 about halfway between Freer and Encinal. There is no oil & gas activity on the ranch.