If you like quiet country livingif you need a place to take care of mom, monster in law or use for hot rental property CHECK THIS OUT.
2 homes on 10 acres with an incredible view. You can see for miles in 2 directions. Theres even an area perfect for a pond. The water literally bubbles to the surface.
These homes are 5 years old on well water and total electric. They are double insulated and both have 70 x 12 of covered porch. There are 2 hitching rails and on (1) 2 horse loafing shed.
100 off of what was a 1800 acre world class gold course and may someday resume. Oklahoma University is looking at it nowwell see.
Home 1 - is 2,000 sq ft with a 2 car garage, 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms and very large game room. Custom oak kitchenlots of large windows.
Home 2 - 1,200 sq ft with 2 bedrooms & 1 bathroom. Lots of windows and an excellent view.
Also, the land has been surveyed $1,500.00 & y...
Also, the land has been surveyed $1,500.00 & you can split up for multiple dwellings.
This property is 8 minutes from town (Blanchard, Oklahoma City & Norman)
There is a mile of gravel road
This land is at a dead end street with dozen homes. Zero traffic.
In the winter when the leaves fall you have a beautiful view of a large pond
Turkey show up daily in herds
Deer drink out of a small pond in view
Close to 120,000 populated town yet its real country
Easy income rents quickly
Owner may carry
Legal Description:
The NW Quarter of the NW Quarter of Section 26, Township 8 North, Range 5 West, Indian Meridian, Grady County, Lot 14, containing 10 acres more or less.
Additional 21 Acres with Pond Available
SW of Blanchard proper on Hwy 62 to Morgan, N. to 3rd, W. to Avery, N. to home.