24798 Canadian Honker Ln, Chiloquin, OR 97624
Discounted Cash Price: $10,988
No-credit check seller financing options for you as low as $264/month!
1- Cash: $10,988
2- $0 down - 60 mo at $366 - total: $21,960
3- $1,099 down - 48 mo at $342 - total: $17,515
4- $3,846 down - 36 mo at $264 - total: $13,350
Click our listing website link to view more info and get started!
This property is the perfect destination to relax, unwind and forget about the stresses of life. Build that get away cabin youve always wanted or come prepared with your RV or camping equipment to engage in the many recreational activities available nearby. The land is level with low foliage, making this a perfect site for your build. Sitting just off Sprague River Dr, the main access road for this subdivision, this lot is easily accessible to the nearby town of Sprague River (and the city of Chiloquin) as they are ide...
This property is the perfect destination to relax, unwind and forget about the stresses of life. Build that get away cabin youve always wanted or come prepared with your RV or camping equipment to engage in the many recreational activities available nearby. The land is level with low foliage, making this a perfect site for your build. Sitting just off Sprague River Dr, the main access road for this subdivision, this lot is easily accessible to the nearby town of Sprague River (and the city of Chiloquin) as they are ideally situated only 5 minutes and 29 minutes away from the property, respectively. It cant get any better than this! Take advantage of this deal before its too late!
Property Information:
APN: 3510022D005500
Property Lot Size: 2.44
State/County: Klamath, Oregon
GPS Coordinates accurate within a few yards. (Official survey often required before building)
NW: 42318.48N, 1213024.66W
NE: 42318.49N, 1213021.86W
SE: 42313.54N, 1213021.84W
SW: 42313.51N, 1213024.66W
Yearly Taxes: $62
Deed Conveyance: Special Warranty Deed
Access: Maintained dirt road
Road Frontage: Canadian Honker Lane
Type of Terrain: Level
Elevation: 4500
Roads: Dirt Road direct access
Utilities/ Zoning:
Is Electricity to the local grid available? Yes- Contact Pacific Powers (1-877-508-5088)
Are city water pipes available? No- drill a well or haul water.
Are city sewage pipes available? No- Septic Recommended
Zoning- Rural Residential (one residential structure per lot, hobby farming and animals allowed).
Send us a message and we can help answer any specific questions on this property, about owning land in the area, or about our fast and secure closing process!