The Hughes Ranch is located North of Snyder, Texas in Scurry County. The ranch is adjacent to and on the east side of Ranch Hwy. 1142, and the north side of paved County Road 2148.
Terrain is diverse with scenic views and canyons on the ranch ranging from level to gently sloping lands to rolling to high hills. The 225 acres of cultivated fields on the ranch are perfect for wildlife food plots or for livestock grazing.
Tree cover consist of mesquite in the lower levels to cedar on the hills. Oak shinnery, hackberry, sumac, catclaw and various other brush is found throughout the property. The area is known for high quality grass production, and excellent wildlife habitat.
Water is plentiful on the Hughes Ranch. There are approximately 8 earth tanks, 4 windmills with storage & 1 cased well. (2 of the windmills have a partnership agreement with neighboring property.)
There is a set of corrals with an adjacent trap.
This is one of the HIGHLIGHTS to the property. This area is known for quality white-tailed deer and mule deer. There is also a good population of quail and dove. The quail hunting is excellent. It is not unusual to flush 20 coveys a day of Bob White or Blue quail. Also, most years the dove are thick. Most hunters can limit out quickly. This area is also known for feral hog hunting. Lake Allen Henry is very scenic and located to the west only about 10 miles away.
This ranch is being sold "surface only". No minerals will be conveyed, however there is one salt water "injection well" that will be conveyed with the property that currently generates $1000.00 per month income. Owner is reserving one-half (50%) of the royalty from the wind rights on any future contracts.
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.