Are you looking for an affordable building lot with seller-financing? You found it! The address is TBD Laguna Rd, Edgewood, NM, 87015, it is set back from the road and has legal access.
We are selling for below market value - get it today for $14,999 cash or seller-financing is available with $6,000 down payment, about $250/month for 60 months. No credit check, no application, no prepayment penalty.
This is a level 2.14 acre (87,120 square feet) buildable lot in the Manzano Springs subdivision. This could be your primary home or just a great investment. It is surrounded by wide open spaces and big blue skys.
Less than an hour from Albuquerque and 1.5 hours to Santa Fe. Electrical lines are nearby, well and septic needed. Don't Miss Out on the Incredible Opportunity! Contact us now.
If you are a person that loves to get outdoors and live life to the fullest, this is a great spot for...
If you are a person that loves to get outdoors and live life to the fullest, this is a great spot for you! You'll find so many activities to do on your property while being near endless recreational areas too.
Cash Price: $14,999
Address: TBD Laguna Rd, Edgewood, NM, 87015
GPS Coordinates: (3458'05.7"N 10614'32.3"W)
APN: R000628601
Size: 2.14 acres or 87,120 square feet
County: Torrance County
Annual Tax: $84.60
Zone District: PL
Terrain: Level at the road
Is the property legally buildable? Yes
Minimum or Maximum size of a house: None
Camping: Not Allowed
Mobiles/RVs: Allowed (as long as you have a building permit)
Height Restrictions: Maximum: 80 feet high
Setback (Front, back, sides): 15 feet on sides, 25 feet front and back
Electricity: Power Lines Nearby
Water: Private well needed
Sewer: Private septic needed