Available for sale is a 180 acre citrus ranch located north of Orange Cove in Hills Valley Irrigation District. The ranch features young navels, wind machines, and two sources of irrigation water. The ranch receives irrigation water from Hills Valley Irrigation District and three wells that deliver water to the 5AF reservoir that was developed in January, 2018. Also located at the reservoir site is a five tank sand media filter station and 50HP booster pump, with Yaskawa VFD and new meter panel, capable of producing 1,500 GPM at 40psi. Hills Valley ID historical deliveries are: 2017 Deliveries: 350 AF 2018 Deliveries: 192 AF 2019 Deliveries: 305 AF The turnout is capable of delivering up to 800 GPM.
The property is located on the west side of S. Hills Valley Rd. approximately mile north of E. American Ave. Orange Cove is located about four miles south of the property.