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18.49 Acres in Burnsville, NC - $179,111

There's nothing like 5000 ft elevation and a dark night sky to disorient you. You might think, 'What's this broker talking about? I'm here for land!' But hear me out. In the land biz, norms and traditions are flipped. It's all about disruption. Ever feel like you're in a scene from The Matrix, like Neo on that ledge? It's that leap into the unknown that defines us. And trust me, you're not alone on this journey. This disorientation leads to peace, serenity, wholeness. We're on this adventure together, from the start to the realization of your vision. It's your story, waiting to unfold. And remember, as 'The Artist's Way' says, we're all artists in our own right. Every challenge, every step into the unknown is part of crafting your unique narrative. So, embrace that disorientation; it's where the magic happens. This journey, it's more than just land. It's about creating something lasting,...

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Thomas Cure
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