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Size: 179.76 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

179.76 Acres in England, AR - $624,700


179.76 Acres land for sale in Jefferson County

This farm is in Jefferson County near England, AR. It is 179.76 acres, of which 152.8 is cropland. The balance is mostly in Plum Bayou, a great asset for irrigation. The bayou is kept at a constant level for the purpose of providing farmers in the area with an excellent irrigation source. The farm has been improved with leveling and two relifts to pump out of the bayou. It waters down the rows easily with poly pipe. This is an excellent, highly productive farm with excellent soil types for all crops... Great agricultural investment. The farm also has some excellent duck hunting in the rice field and along the bayou.

Crop bases include:

Wheat 38.3 acres

Grain Sorghum 21.2

Soybeans 13.3

Rice Long Grain 78.2

Rice Medium Grain 1.8

The direct payment on the farm is $8407.00. FSA documents are available upon request.

Contact Seller
Arkansas Land Company

License #PB00069994

North Little Rock, AR

(501) 381-5088

Provided By

Arkansas Land Company, (501) 381-5088
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