This property has 177.68 acres of wooded land with a creek running through the property. This is remote property with ultimate privacy. The cabin on the property is located in a scenic area with the creek meandering just below the cabin. You can sit on the front porch and enjoy mother nature all day long. The property has a mixture of hardwoods located on the property that was last cut around 1994. If you are looking for a hunting or recreational property to get away from the world you will want to see this property. It is prime hunting land. The Tennessee River is approximately 7 miles from the property by road. The access to the property is a private easement and sits 3.5 miles off the main road.
From Hwy 412 Linden- go 6 miles on Lick Creek Rd to Hwy 438 turn Right and go 9.4 miles to Pineview, go 1 mi and turn right on Pineview Rd and go 1.6mi to entrance road, turn right on road (gated) 2.1mi go right go 3rd turn on right