Location: Approximately 5 miles east and 1/2 mile south of Ragan, Nebraska in northeast Harlan County.
Description: SW1/4 Section 24-T4N-R17W of the 6th P.M., Harlan County, Nebraska.
Description: Harlan County Assessor shows 163.0 acres of pivot irrigated cropland with dry crop corners.
FSA: Total Cropland - 158.42
Corn base acres 132.6 acres w/ 126 bu/acre yield
Wheat base acres 20.0 acres w/ 42 bu/acre yield
Soybeans 1.1 acres w/ 30 bu/acre yield
Yields are for both direct and counter cyclical payments
Irrigation: Irrigation well and equipment information is as follows:
Well Registration G006671 Completion Date 4/29/2010
Gallons / Min 700 Well Depth 360
Static Water Level 208 Pumping Level 234
Column 8 Pump - Sargent
Gearhead - Amarill0, 80hp Power Unit - Ford V8 natural gas
Pivot - T & L 10 tower with drop nozzles
Information: Prope...
Information: Property is located within the Lower Republican Natural Resource District and is subject to irrigated acre certification and water allocation. The subject property contains 131.1 certified irrigated acres.
Soils: Soils consist primarily of Class I and II Holdrege and Butler silt loams, with slopes of 0-3%.
RE Taxes: 2012 real estate tax - $4,341.52
List Price: $1,250,000.00 Cash
Comments: This is a well maintained, very productive farm with excellent access, and located in a strong farming community.