PROPERTY ADDRESS: 11618 SE 80 Ave., Norwich, KS 67118
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 161.5 acres west of Norwich and southeast of Kingman in Kingman County, Kansas. This excellent combination hunting/recreation and agriculture tract has a 7.5 acre field and 8 acre field currently planted to wheat, native bluestem pasture, a variety of trees and brush, and a producing oil well. The farm fields produced softball size turnips and 18 Daiken radishes in 2023. Kansas whitetail deer, turkeys, quail, dove, pheasant, and geese are commonly found on the property, as well as the occasional duck. Deer Creek runs through the west portion of the property and Big Spring Creek cuts through the northwest corner. Additonal water sources include a spring fed pond and a small strip pond. Morel mushrooms are commonly found in the spring in the honey hole! There is an abundance of sand plums and an asparagus patch. T...
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 161.5 acres west of Norwich and southeast of Kingman in Kingman County, Kansas. This excellent combination hunting/recreation and agriculture tract has a 7.5 acre field and 8 acre field currently planted to wheat, native bluestem pasture, a variety of trees and brush, and a producing oil well. The farm fields produced softball size turnips and 18 Daiken radishes in 2023. Kansas whitetail deer, turkeys, quail, dove, pheasant, and geese are commonly found on the property, as well as the occasional duck. Deer Creek runs through the west portion of the property and Big Spring Creek cuts through the northwest corner. Additonal water sources include a spring fed pond and a small strip pond. Morel mushrooms are commonly found in the spring in the honey hole! There is an abundance of sand plums and an asparagus patch. Tree varieties on the property include cottonwood, mulberry, eight large walnuts (1 being 44 across), hedge, and cedars. Take a look at this unique opportunity to Invest In Land!
LANDOWNER OIL INCOME HISTORY: 2022 $14,623, 2023 $3,003 (well was down most of the year), 2024 through August $4,439.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-nine (29) South, Range Six (6) West of the 6th PM, Kingman County, Kansas.
2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $477.62
LAND LOCATION: From Norwich, 6 1/2 miles west on HWY 42 to 80 Ave., north 1 mile to the property.