Narrows Tract will be sold by lump sum sealed bid on THURSDAY, March 20, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. Tract is located five miles northwest of Glen?wood, near Hopper community in Ouachita National Forest. It is located less than three miles from the junction of Highway 8 and Highway 240 near the Caddo River. Access from Highway 240 on gravel road; USFS maintains permanent easement. Gate can be opened with temporary lock combination 5757. Pine plantation established in 2000 after spraying, ripping, and burning, covers southern eighty-five acres. An additional fifteen acres was planted in 2001 directly north of the 2000 plantation. Native timber (pine and hardwood) is located on steeper terrain in northern part of tract. Excellent hunting and mountain views. Site index for loblolly pine averages 70 feet on a fifty year base.
S½ of SW¼, Section 23; N½ of NW¼, Section 26, Township 4 South, Range 25 West, containing a total of 160 acres, more or less, Montgomery County, Arkansas.