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Size: 160 Acres
Type: Farms

160 Acres in Dimmitt, TX - $270,000

Good irrigated farmland in southern Castro County, located southwest of the Sunnyside community, south of Dimmitt. 1/4 section (160 ac per CCAD), 120 irrigated under pivot, 40 acres dryland corners. This farm has 2 wells, one is 7 years old (electric). Per owner the wells pump 375-400 GPM combined. 1 Valley sprinkler (mid '70 model) and is working order. Corn has been the primary crop grown here. MORE PICTURES COMING SOON.


From Dimmitt, go 15 miles south on Hwy 385, (you will go past Sunnyside 1 mile), turn right on CR 629, go 2 miles and the property sits at the intersection of CR 629 and CR 512 on the northeast corner.

Contact Seller

Triangle Realty


Amarillo, TX

(806) 685-1543