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Size: 158.4 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

158.4 Acres in Gurdon, AR

Carter-Southfork Tract to be sold by lump sum sealed bid on Friday, January 18, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. Tract is located within one mile of I-30, Gurdon exit. Access is excellent with paved frontage on Highway 53 plus gravel county road (McClain Road). Terrain ranges from flat to gently rolling. Timber consists of good quality pine and hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood. Approximately thirty acres is stocked with 1998 pine plantation. Site index averages 85 feet (base age 50) on sandy loam soils.


E½ of NW¼, part of N½ of NE¼, lying west of Highway 53, Section 36, Township 8 South, Range 21 West, Clark County, Arkansas.

Contact Seller
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc.

Monticello, AR

(870) 276-2265