TERMS:Cash, Payable upon closing
TAXES:$2,368/yr Adams Co. Treasurer
POSSESSION:At closing, may be subject to farm tenancy.
LAND USE:Approximately 136 effective cropland acres.
Adams Co. FSA
FSA DATA:Commodity: Corn 90.3 acres DY 94, Beans 23.2 acres DY 34, Oats 11.2 Acres 46
Adams Co. FSA
CSR:Average 57
LEGAL DESCRIPTION:The southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township Seventy three, Range Thirty five West of the 5th P.M., Adams County, Iowa or more particularly described by the abstract
With strong CSR's and at a good percent tillable, this Adams County crop farm demands your attention. Farms like this don't typically remain on the market for long, so contact PPI today to get soil maps and aerial maps, etc. and make this excellent farm a strong part of your operation or portfolio.
LOCATION:West of Carbon on Hwy N28 land lies on the Northwest corner of N28 and 150th st.