152 Acre Mature Almond Orchard. Sale consists of 4 varieties of Almonds (50% Non Pareil, 25% Monterey, 12.5% Carmel, and 12.5% Aldrich). Approximately half of the trees were planted in 2005 and the other half were planted in 2007.This Almond Orchard is coming off of 2 years of high yields and Trees are currently looking very healthy as harvest approaches. This orchard boasts 2 operational Wells and is in the Pixley Irrigation District (PID), allowing for the option of surface water. The trees are on a Double Drip Line Irrigation System and there is a water reservoir with a booster pump and sand filters in the southwest corner of property.
-Well #1 : Drilled in 2008, 100HP Pump, 600ft depth
-Well #2: 75HP Pump
-Combined approximate 1,300 GPM
-Tree Spacing: 12' x 22'
-Trees/Acre: 165
-144 Acres of Tree (8.73 acres of roads, well sites, etc...)
-2019 Production: 3,109 pounds/acre
-2019 Prod...
-2019 Production: 2,912 pounds/acre
-Irrigation Canal on West side of Property