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150.34 Acres in Rising Star, TX - $326,193

150.335 Ac, CR 292, RS

This 150 acre ranch is located between Rising Star and Cisco near Union Center. Once upon a time it was a great production and grazing ranch, wouldnt take much to get it back in production again! A 50 acre coastal field, 20 acres in Love Grass, 15-20 acres cultivation, all need fertilizer and a little TLC, with remainder being native pasture. Cross fenced into 5 different pastures for ease of rotating cattle. Exterior fences are good, except for one stretch on East side in fair to poor condition. 2 tanks on the property and 2 water wells, may need new pump. County road borders 3 sides. One pump jack on property and owner believes he owns 60% of minerals & will convey what he owns. Will subdivide.


Hwy 183 to CR 292, East 1 mile, on South side of road.


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Trinity Ranch Land

Cisco, TX

(325) 668-3604

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Trinity Ranch Land, (325) 668-3604
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