Assessor's CSR Avg: 50
Original CSR (old) : 47.2
New CSR (CSR2): unavailable
LAND USE: FSA shows 141.11 acres of total farmland of which there are 95 effective crop acres.
POSSESSION: Subject to farm tenancy with full possession March 1, 2014
TERMS:Cash, Payable upon closing
LEGAL DESCRIPTION:SW of Section 2, T-73-N, R-33-W of the 5th P.M., in Adams County, Iowa except Parcel A of the SW according to the recorded Plat of Survey filed at Book 107, Page 521 in the office of the Adams County Recorder.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Presenting the Ozor Farm, This is a very nice combination farm that has very good soils on the farmable acres and some much needed pasture acres. Excellent fences and good water source. This farm...
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Presenting the Ozor Farm, This is a very nice combination farm that has very good soils on the farmable acres and some much needed pasture acres. Excellent fences and good water source. This farm could also offer some excellent hunting ground as a bonus.
LOCATION: Approx. 8 miles North of Prescott farm lies on the North side corner of 110th and Quartz Ave.