Legal: Part of the Northwest quarter in Section 29, Township 10 North, Range 11 East of the 6th P.M. Cass County, Nebraska, excluding the Highway Right of Way and Tract #1 in the Northwest corner.
Soils: Otoe and Wymore silty clay loam with up to 11% slopes.
Description: This is a very nice farm in a great location. Is gently rolling with grass waterways, a nice pond and very good hunting. High percent tillable. The house and acreage in the northwest corner of the farm is not included. The farm is currently cash rented for the 2013 season.
2012 Real Estate Taxes: $4,446.00
Zoning: Currently Ag
School: Syracuse
Possession: Immediate
Price: $7,200/ac
From Lincoln, NE go east on Highway 34 to 346th Street or go west 4 miles from the Weeping Water spur on Highway 34. The farm is located south of Highway 34 and east of 346th Street.