Pricing Details:
Cash Price: $139,000
Property Details:
Parcel #: 3033 042
County: Gilmer, GA
Parcel Size: 13.26 acres
Location: SISSON RD, ELLIJAY, GA, 30540
Legal Description: 26-2 LL 40
Property Dimensions:
GPS Center Coordinates: 34.750008815314665, -84.59620536441757
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
34.75091774494762, -84.59802231156901
34.751211271757384, -84.59737161240821
34.75125320407361, -84.59716747149503
34.751211271757384, -84.59668263682619
34.750812913691306, -84.59592986720878
34.75103305917587, -84.59567469106727
34.75094133196198, -84.5953876179081
34.750799809774925, -84.59516752848607
34.750498419124014, -84.59496657727463
34.74979342276515, -84.59482942006768
34.74951823668739, -84.5953270135436
34.74900787800298, -84.5950087276775
34.74899260062079, -84.59500252988315
34.748799086868516, -84.59460587104509
34.748610665147744, -84.59439514603739
34.748513907880856, -84...
34.748513907880856, -84.5944137394204
34.74850372289882, -84.59502112326618
34.74870232982236, -84.59530622180604
34.74890093626833, -84.59653958288062
Elevation: 1642 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt Rd
Zoning: R-1, Residential Low Density
Terrain: Quite Slope
Time limit: Building permit is good for 6 months.
Tax Amount: $671.59 (2021)
HOA: None
Water: Would need to dig a well.
Sewer: Would need to install septic system.
Power: There is an electric power pole nearby which is 176.16 m away from the property.