Hunting Land for sale in Michigan, Michigan Hunting Land for sale, Land for sale in Michigan, Hunting Land for sale in Calhoun County Michigan 125 acres.
If youre a serious mature whitetail deer hunter in Michigan, then I am sure you are aware of the BIG BUCKS that consistently come from the Calhoun County Jackson County Hillsdale County area. This Homer Township parcel is located in the heart of that area and year after year has produced quality mature whitetails. Most of the hunters in this area realize what they have and therefore practice deer management by allowing those young bucks to get some age on them and become mature before being harvested. This property has it all.wooded cover, bedding areas and water sources and is surrounded by AG fields throughout the area. This is a damn good property fellas! Call me and lets go take a walk.
T Dr S and 29 Mile Rd. Fronts both roads