Working Cattle Ranch. 120 acres with well maintained 3br 2bth mobile home. Fenced with 2 pens and head gate. Currently, approximately 24 head of cattle. Roughly 50% is wooded, a significant amount of which is merchantable. There are several live springs, ponds; and a creek. (Loggins Creek). Due to its proximity to the piney woods mitigation bank there is an abundance of wildlife. Buyer will receive 1/2 interest in cattle and 50% of all proceeds from the ranching business. Cattle partner is a highly experienced cattle man and will run all aspects of cattle operation. Or, if the buyer prefers, cattle will be sold at auction and buyers will receive 50% of proceeds.
From the loop in Lufkin turn on East Denman Ave (US-69) towards Huntington, go 22 miles and turn right onto FM-1270. Go 8.7 miles and the destination is on your left. See sign by the road.