Very pretty. Very productive. Very secluded, yet, less than one mile east of Hwy 183 North between May and Rising Star, Texas. Great building sites. 110 acres, more or less, with about 85 acres in native pasture and 25 acres in improved pasture. Strong stand of Coastal Bermuda, native grasses, heavy timber, tank, beautiful building sites and abundant wildlife. Fronts well-maintained unpaved county road. Underground (well) water available. Twenty-five minutes north of Brownwood, Texas. Sandy-loam soils. Live oak, red oak, post oak, blackjack oak, mesquite, elm. Grass lease through year's end. Supporting 15 animal units (cow and calf). Perfect weekend getaway for hunting, camping or just relaxing. Sellers will consider deeding access lane to Hwy 183 North.
From Brownwood, take Hwy 183 North through May, Texas. Several miles north of May, turn right on CR 436. Go about one-half mile, property on right or south-side of the road. Look for 4'x4' real estate sign.