A high fenced working cattle ranch, recreation, and sports club with open range, and upland and bottomland timber. Two major Creeks and topographic changes from 630 feet to 950 feet.
The owners recently negotiated a grazing lease that includes additional fencing and land improvement. Grasses on the ranch consist primarily of native Tallgrass Prairie grasses, forbs and legumes. Rainfall averages 44 inches annually, which provides ample water for strong grass and timber growth. Farm ponds, lakes, and streams are distributed throughout the ranch for efficient cattle operations as well as wildlife maintenance. With the additional high fencing on the north end, the ranch could support additional cattle numbers. The bottomlands on the southeast portion of the ranch have the potential for increased production by utilizing introduced forages. There are other areas that offer soils suitab...
The owners recently negotiated a grazing lease that includes additional fencing and land improvement. Grasses on the ranch consist primarily of native Tallgrass Prairie grasses, forbs and legumes. Rainfall averages 44 inches annually, which provides ample water for strong grass and timber growth. Farm ponds, lakes, and streams are distributed throughout the ranch for efficient cattle operations as well as wildlife maintenance. With the additional high fencing on the north end, the ranch could support additional cattle numbers. The bottomlands on the southeast portion of the ranch have the potential for increased production by utilizing introduced forages. There are other areas that offer soils suitable for introduced forages.
McIntosh County, Oklahoma (9 miles west of Eufaula, and 60 miles south of Tulsa).
11,164+/- Deeded acres
2,039+/- Partial interest /permitted use/ absentee owner/landlocked / used acres
13,203+/- Total acreage (more or less)
Approximately $5,500/year
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS 3000 square foot hilltop residence (historically significant)
3 bedroom modern managers home
Rustic hunting cabin
3,000 foot airstrip that effective October 27, 2005 will be a registered FFA landing strip.
Relatively new 4-wire steel post partition fences and the perimeter of the ranch has recently been high fenced.
Herbicide treatment to some of the upland timber that has benefited the livestock production and the wildlife habitat
A substantial portion of the northern portion of the ranch is heavily timbered with blackjack oak, pine, and other species of native trees. The pine, on the north portion of the Ranch, is considered the most northwestern stand of native pine in Oklahoma . This northern area is considered on of the largest areas of the Ancient Cross Timbers Forrest that has remained untouched by herbicides and timber production and would qualify for a Conservation Easement and the accompanying tax incentives.
Some of the oaks may be 600 years old while some of the cedars on the edge of the bluffs could be as old as 1,000 years.
The remainder of the ranch, especially in the creek bottoms, contains many different species of hard woods and other trees native to the Cross Timbers.
The ranch in the past marketed the recreation value of the Ranch through a Family Recreation Club. The principal focus of this hunting club has been whitetail deer hunting which occurs during the fall. Many nice deer have been taken off the Ranch over the years including a 25-point whitetail buck which supposedly had the largest rack taken in the state of Oklahoma in 1993. The deer population on the ranch permits a high sustained yield each year with the goal of increasing trophy animals. The Ranch previously was involved with the Oklahoma Deer Management Assistance Program and because of that a number of does were taken through the season under a special permit from the Oklahoma State Wildlife Commission. Many of the members also enjoy the turkey, quail, dove, and other small game hunting as well as the waterfowl opportunities. Probably the most important part of their membership has been the quality outdoor experience that is available on this large Ranch. The recent high fencing of the perimeter of the ranch will allow
for quality management and additional hunting opportunities.
Dense timber throughout the northern 4,000 acres that may qualify for a Conservation Easement and some possible tax advantages. (probably the most western stand of native pine in Oklahoma)