This property is located in Eden, TX. The land can be purchased with or without the mobile, the mobile home is also separately for sale alone. Price is subject to change if sold separately. The Land is located in an industrial district with business applications for all industries. IT IS COUNTRY LIVING, WITH ALL THE CITY AMENITIES, AND ABUNDANT WILDLIFE (DEER, TURKEY & RABBITS) ADD HUGE OAK TREES & GREAT VIEWS & YOU HAVE IT ALL. SELLER ALSO HAS 10AC. & A 23,820 SQ FT. METAL BLDG, ON A SLAB AVAILABLE. SCHOOLS ARE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE, FOR THE KIDDOS & ADD A GOLF COURSE, FOR THE GROWNUPS. EASY ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAYS, WITH PLENTY OF ROOM TO EXPAND. ENJOY A SHORT DRIVE TO SAN ANGELO, FOR ALL THE MAINSTREAM STORES.
Head North on Highway 83 then take a right turn onto Smith St. then take a left on Industrial Blvd and follow that road until you arrive at 100 warehouse Rd.