Great Income Producing Property! 7 house pullet farm that currently has a contract with Tyson Foods.
Property includes 2-40x400 houses built in 1984, 2-40x400 houses built in 1994, 2-40x500 houses built in 2011 that has 13 years left on a 15 year contract. There is also a 32x208 house that is not currently in production.
2 Bedroom/2 Bath brick home with a separate garage that has a office and apartment on second floor.
3 Bedroom/2 Bath mobile home with central heat and air for labor.
50x60 shop with concrete floors with an 1 room apartment w/bath.
40x48 litter barn built in 1994.
2 deep water wells.
3 generators
9540 Kubota tractor
#4 Louis Bro. cake-out machine
2010 Polaris Ranger.
100.75 acres