Ok boys, get our your checkbooks!!! If you're looking for a top-notch hunting and cattle ranch in Texas, this is the one for you.
Wildlife consist of Mule Deer, Free Ranging Elk, Quail, Dove, and Javelina. It is already under Level 3 MLD wild life program which allows for a longer Mule Deer hunting season. This ranch is well watered with good exterior/interior fences and a good set of working pens with loading chute. Stocking rate for cattle on average year is about 120 head of mama cows or 240 head of stockers. This ranch also has Oil and Gas opportunity, it comes with 8 sections of mineral classified!!! With all the drilling going on in Pecos county this is a big plus!!! There is a modest headquarters that works perfect for a hunting cabin. Trust me there has been a lot of windy hunting stories and wild cattle gathering stories told in this old cabin. Another huge advantage of owning t...
Wildlife consist of Mule Deer, Free Ranging Elk, Quail, Dove, and Javelina. It is already under Level 3 MLD wild life program which allows for a longer Mule Deer hunting season. This ranch is well watered with good exterior/interior fences and a good set of working pens with loading chute. Stocking rate for cattle on average year is about 120 head of mama cows or 240 head of stockers. This ranch also has Oil and Gas opportunity, it comes with 8 sections of mineral classified!!! With all the drilling going on in Pecos county this is a big plus!!! There is a modest headquarters that works perfect for a hunting cabin. Trust me there has been a lot of windy hunting stories and wild cattle gathering stories told in this old cabin. Another huge advantage of owning this ranch from a wild life perspective is that this ranch is surrounded by huge neighbors. 350,000 acre ranch to the south and south west, 240,000 acre ranch to the west/north west , 100,000 acre ranch to the east , with the smallest neighbor to the north being 14,000 acres. You will look long and hard before you find a ranch of this caliber at this price!! $ 550.00 per acre
From Fort Stockton head south on HWY. 285 for about 11 miles to ranch entrance. Follow about 8 miles down easement road to property. This is a end of the road ranch with no traffic or easements going through property.