Nice Lot Priced to Sell!!
- Lot 4 1 Acre (.971 Acre)
- Priced at Only $4,900
- Savings of $13,000 off List Price
- Morgan Township
- Gallia County School District
- Buckeye Rural Electric
- Gallia County Water
Directions from US 35 - SR 32 intersection in JACKSON: Take US 35 E for 26 miles to SR 160 exit. Take SR 160 N (left) for 8 miles to Summit Road (CR 125). Turn Left on Summit Road. Follow Summit Road for 2 miles to Scenic Drive (CR 127). About 1 mile down Summit Road you’ll come to a “Y” in the road. Take the left fork to remain on Summit Road. Turn North (Right) on Scenic Drive. Lot 4 is about 1 mile down Scenic Drive on the Left.