CRP Land Located South of Lamar, Colorado in Bent County.
Contract Expires in 2030
The property is a mix of CRP, with undulating topography, arroyos, and habitat for mule deer and antelope. Property has great county road access and access to potential electricity with power lines running through the middle of the property.
Acres: 1,550 +/-
New CRP Contract from 2021 through 9/30/2030 for 1439.9 acres with an annual payment of $30,742.
Township 26 South, Range 48 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian
Section 13: All,
Section 14: All,
Section 25: N, Except a track of land in the NE of Section 25, commencing at the SE corner of the NE of Section 25; thence in a westerly direction with and along the South property line of said NE; 57.1 feet to the point of beginning on the south property line; thence North 8732 West 1,750 feet to a point; thence North 3629 East 3,014.5 feet to a poi...
Section 25: N, Except a track of land in the NE of Section 25, commencing at the SE corner of the NE of Section 25; thence in a westerly direction with and along the South property line of said NE; 57.1 feet to the point of beginning on the south property line; thence North 8732 West 1,750 feet to a point; thence North 3629 East 3,014.5 feet to a point; thence South 100 West 2,500 feet to the point of beginning, County of Bent, State of Colorado
Taxes: $2,033.20
Price: $775,000.00 $500.00 per acre