this is your bargain for the year, priced inside the current market $65,500 for 3bed/2bath on 1.34 acres,large country porch across the front w/2swings,large country porch across back w/1swing,double car garage w/home + 2detached bldgs., 1-2 car bldg with workshop w/shelves, wired for 220 welders,flue for woodstove w/sideshed,1-bldg w/open storage plus 24X9 enclosed storage, great victory garden space, approx. 2miles from village of BigSandy,Tn, and approx. 3 miles to public New Hope Ldg on Big Sandy River, & approx. 7 miles to Tennessee River, circular drive, wonderful open in home space
Fr. Intersect. Hwy 69A&Main St.,into twn (R)Front St., turn at Senior Center, over bridge to the (R) Lick Cr.,Rd., Left at 'V' to (L)onto New Hope Rd., 7th house on the left, approx. 3miles to New Hope