Pricing Details:
Price: $35,900
Owner Financed Price: $58,876
$8,832 Down & $884 Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 14-1S-28-0000-08900-0000
County: Santa Rosa, FL
Parcel Size: 1.22 acres
Location: MILTON, FL, 32583
Legal Description: DESCRIPTION PER DEED FOR 2013 COM INCT OF E R/W OF SRD #191 & N SEC LN THN S83*07'28E ON N LN 1150 FT THN S3*25'52W 360.1 FT TO POB & CONT 304.3 FT THN S83*07'28E 170 FT THN N4*44'57E 304.89 FT THN N83* 07'28W 180 FT TO POB BEING LOT 16 OF UNREC SUB
Property Dimensions: 179.60 ft x 297.96 ft x 179.31 ft x 295.87 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 30.5187, -87.0499
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
30.519171114605477, -87.05014265313729
30.519112503903965, -87.04957634433865
30.518299457401852, -87.04968482713996
30.51836256129907, -87.05024803212363
Elevation: 9.8 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): P...
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: R-1 Single Family Residential District
Terrain: Level
Time limit: Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within six (6) months after its issuance or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time the work is commenced.
Tax Amount: 2022 Annual tax was $131.88
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Water: Would need to drill a well
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Power: Yes by Calpine Corporation +18509952100