Pricing Details:
Cash Price: $12,000
Property Details:
Parcel #: 06-05S-13E-09106-010190
County: Suwannee County, FL
Parcel Size: 1.01 acres
Location: 0 N Co Rd 349, OBrien, FL 32071
Legal Description: LEG LOT 19 UNIT I RIVER SPRINGS ORB 1550 P 183-184 CFD YR 2010 ORB 1815 P 375 WD YR 2015
GPS Center Coordinates: 30.0733, -83.0578
Property Dimensions: 425.51 ft x 98.73 ft x 461.51 ft x 105.85 ft Approx.
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
30.073002535221196, -83.05833525577928
30.073866349916823, -83.05743130594719
30.073682980458365, -83.05720130652375
30.072744315542113, -83.05818183057445
Elevation: 45.9 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved Rd
Zoning: ESA-2 (Environmentally Sensitive Areas)
Terrain: Level
Time limit: Good for a year
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Tax Amount: $146.11 (2021 Taxes & Assessments)
Water: Would need to dig a water well
Sewer: Would need to install a septic sy...
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Electricity: Yes, by Suwannee Valley Electric +13863622226