SELLER SAYS MAKE OFFER - COME BUILD YOUR NEW HOME! YOUR BUILDER OR OURS! (1-40 lots available $17,000 per lot) ATTENTION INVESTORS, BUILDERS! 40 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS IN ELM TREE ESTATES - CONCRETE STREETS. Fabulous location south of town, great area for Lincoln and St. Charles commute. Lots to choose from at this time include walk-out, CUL-De-sac, level lots, and many backing to woodline. Contact agent for plat, subdivision indentures/restrictions, and current availability of lots. Builder/Developer reserves the right to approve all floorplans/elevations and to limit the number of lots sold to any one buyer. 1,300 sq. ft. minimum on all homes. Agent related to Seller/Agent owned.
From Troy: Hwy 47 W to left on Main Street. Approx. 2 miles down Main Street to RT on Elm Tree road to subd. on RT. Look for signs. From St. Charles: 61 N. to Hwy U on Left to sand run rd straight (at 90* turn) to Elm Tree Rd on Left to subd. on RT.