0.15 Acre
for Sale in
Lake County Oregon
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(540) 824-3372
Feel free to visit the property any time, no need to set up an appointment, this property has no address.
Cash Discount Price: $499.00 (Unfortunately we cannot offer owner financing on this property.)
*There is a $1000 deposit required with all purchases. $500 is a non refundable transaction fee and the remaining $500 would be applied to the purchase price at time of closing.
County: Lake
Acres: 0.15 Acre (Raw Land)
Coordinates: 42.1663, -120.3584
Parcel #: 39S20E21-DD-00900
Zoning: A-1 Exclusive Farm Use
Yearly Estimated Taxes: $2.98
Elevation: 4724 ft
Legal Description: Tax Lot 2700, Township 38 South, Range 19 East; Tax Lot 900, Township 39 South, Range 20 East, Lake County, Oregon....
Legal Description: Tax Lot 2700, Township 38 South, Range 19 East; Tax Lot 900, Township 39 South, Range 20 East, Lake County, Oregon. (Also known as Lot 23 in Block No.23 in the Oregon Valley Land Company's additions to Lakeview, Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, and also the north one-half of the south one-half of the northeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section 14, Township 38, Range 19 East.
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