10 acres, more or less. 377 CR 243 Hondo, Texas 78861. Located approximately 13 mi. N of Hondo off Hwy. 173, turn left on CR 241, then left on CR 243 and property will be on the left. G.K. Properties, Unit 2, Lot 77, Medina County, Texas. Cash to Seller or third party financing. A well must be drilled for water. It is believed that the Edwards Aquifer is approximately 200 or less in this area. The electric line is on the west side of the property along a utility easement. Electricity must be brought onto the property. No minerals owned to convey. All are previously reserved. Hondo ISD. Taxes are approximately $1,200.00 per year. No ag exemption. This is a beautiful lot with elevation changes that give you awesome views of the Hill Country. On the top elevation you can get an almost 360-degree view of the surrounding countryside. With these elevation changes, there are possi...
10 acres, more or less. 377 CR 243 Hondo, Texas 78861. Located approximately 13 mi. N of Hondo off Hwy. 173, turn left on CR 241, then left on CR 243 and property will be on the left. G.K. Properties, Unit 2, Lot 77, Medina County, Texas. Cash to Seller or third party financing. A well must be drilled for water. It is believed that the Edwards Aquifer is approximately 200 or less in this area. The electric line is on the west side of the property along a utility easement. Electricity must be brought onto the property. No minerals owned to convey. All are previously reserved. Hondo ISD. Taxes are approximately $1,200.00 per year. No ag exemption. This is a beautiful lot with elevation changes that give you awesome views of the Hill Country. On the top elevation you can get an almost 360-degree view of the surrounding countryside. With these elevation changes, there are possible building sites that are opened for the views. The lot has Oak, Cedar and Mountain Laurel (that will come alive with a fragranced bloom in the early spring). There is also plentiful native browse, sotol cactus and brush for wildlife. No hunting is allowed. This subdivision has some restrictions but does not have an HOA. There is perimeter fencing with a couple of areas needing some repairs and the south fence line is high fenced. This lot offers scenic views, beautiful nature, quietness in a very peaceful setting.