Land Usage
+/-672.78 acres of the property are subject to a conservation easement and management plan. The property is currently used for cattle grazing and the propertys management plan permits livestock grazing from approximately November 15 to approximately May 15. The site can support approximately 480 animal unit months (AUMs).
Property is not located within any irrigation districts, but is part of Merced Subbasin GSA. There is one (1) wind-driven stock well with a small back-up generator and a large water storage tank.
Conservation Easement
+/-672.78 acres are subject to a conservation easement which protects the natural condition of the property and will permanently limit specific types of land usage. Please contact the listing agent for more information.
Merced County APNs: 065-130-075-000, 065-130-070-000, and 065-130-071-000.
See Soil Map and Soil Descripti...
See Soil Map and Soil Description for details.
Groundwater Disclosure
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires groundwater basins to be sustainable by 2040. SGMA requires a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) by 2020. Said plans may limit ground water pumping. For more information please visit the SGMA website.
+/-693.9 acres of grazing land that is fully fenced, with a cattle staging area, corrals, and gates located at the southeast corner of the property. Property includes a wind-driven stock well with a backup generator and a large storage tank. There arefeed troughs and an inactive water tank positioned on the property. Additionally, there are numerous vernal pools throughout the property and an intermittent drainage swale. Deadman Creek runs through northwest portion of the property as well.