Driving Directions: From Hollandale, take Cty Rd 28 North about a mile, Turn west on 290th St for just under a mile, then north on 825th Ave for a half mile, turn west on 295th St, farm is on the north side of the road.
Total Deeded Acres: 15
PID # (s): 170270060
Legal Description: E 15 acres of the SW of the NW 1/4 of section 27 Geneva Twp, Freeborn County, MN T-104-N R-20-W
Latitude/Longitude: 43 47 8.09 -93 13 3.23
Real Estate Taxes: $516
Total Cropland Acres: 14.97 Acres
Corn Base Acres: 10.1 PLC Yield: 144 bu
Soybean Base Acres: 4.69 PLC Yield: 40 bu
CPI Soil Rating: 76
Classifications: NHEL
CRP Acres: 0
Topography: level
For more information or a private showing contact Broker Greg Jensen at 507-383-1067